About TC3

Tapestry Covenant Community Church = TC3

A Vision for Ministry

Some churches grow by the hundreds and thousands.
Some grow by the dozens.
We grow by the “ones”… and we’re just fine with that.

The Vision given in 2006 is the foundation of the Tapestry mission and purpose: To build House churches in every neighborhood. 

We are not a typical church, rather a church modeling the first century believers as found in Acts 2:36-48.

Paul and Pat Rosbury

Many people have come through our doors. They’ve come broken and imperfect, many filled with years of disappointment and sorrow. What they’ve found is a small group of Bible-believing Christians who have learned to love without condition or expectation. We hope that you too will come, find comfort in the loving embrace of your Heavenly Father, and experience the sweetness of His Presence here.  We also encourage you to participate in the “411” Discipleship training, as we work to develop House Churches all across Brevard County.

There really isn’t anything special about us.  We’re just ordinary people who live to worship our great and mighty God! 

Our loving Heavenly Father is doing some truly amazing things here in Merritt Island, “Where Dreams are Launched, Visions are Birthed, and Warrior Angels circle the Earth”.

Join Us

Our prayer is that you will find His purpose for your life as He weaves us all together in a beautiful Tapestry!

Download our App

Tapestry Community

To find a group and stay connected, get our app for your phone or tablet.

Go to the Apple store or Google Play and Search for Tapestry Community.

Open the app and register, then go to the House Church Tab.

Daily Prayer

Pray for your neighbors to have a reminder text or email signup here DAILY PRAYER